It’s Bloggy Giveaways Time Again

Oh, boy! It’s Bloggy Giveaways time again. I can feel my eyes glazing over already. Anyone come up with a strategy yet to find time visit all the fantastic blogs that are participating, and still make sure your kids are clothed and fed?

If you haven’t been by here before, I’m Colleen, wife and SAHM. I have a wonderful husband Dave who’s very busy working full time, going back to school, helping part-time with the family business and singing with a Southern Gospel Quartet. Somehow he still manages to find time to spend with me and our three-year-old son David. (Son is named after hubby.) David is funny, smart and very mischievous. He definitely keeps me on my toes. This blog is my little place to be creative and escape from the Legos and dirty dishes. I’m sure you’re just dying to know more, (she said sarcastically) so visit About Me in the sidebar.

Well, this summer we’re celebrating potty training success around here. It was a rough road, but David seems to have mastered using the potty, at least during the day. There was a time not long ago that I thought he’d be going to kindergarten in Pull-Ups. Just this week we started venturing out of the house with nothing but a pair of BVDs between him and a puddle on the floor in Walmart. No accidents so far. But I still don’t dare leave with out bringing an extra set of clothes for him, just in case. Potty training was definitely the most difficult task of motherhood I’ve tackled so far. Now I’ve got about 10 years of smooth sailing until he hits the teen years.

In honor of David’s success, I’ve got some items to give away to help out those of you who are still in the midst of potty training, or dreading looking forward to it someday soon. First, I have three packages of cloth training pants. There are 6 in each package. They’re brand new, never even opened. They are cotton on the inside and waterproof plastic on the outside. I used these with David after reading that cloth is better than disposable for helping kids know when they are wet. It really did seem to work. I went a little overboard and bought way more pairs than I needed, so that’s why these never got used. They say for 35-38 pounds on the tag, but I think they’d fit kids anywhere from 2-4 T. They are plain white, so boys and girls can wear them.

The next thing I have to give away are Toilet Time Targets. You throw these flushable tissue paper animals in the toilet, then boys “aim” at them. They learn to hit their mark, and you spend less time cleaning up splatters. It makes potty training into “more fun than writing your name in the snow,” as the wrapper says. I have three packages of 100 to giveaway. Again I went overboard and bought too many.

So there will be two winners. One for the training pants, and one for the Toilet Time Targets. Just leave a comment on this post by mid-night August 1st with which prize you would like.  I’ll randomly select the two winners, and notify them by email.

Stop by and visit the weekly Girls Just Wanna Win Swag Giveaway I have going on right now too for a chance to win an eye makeup kit including one full size shadow, two liners and an eyeliner brush from Mixology. That contest runs through August 6. There are also some Bloggy Giveaways going on this week at The Chocolistas, the blog my SIL and I run. She is hosting giveaways at her other blogs as well this week, A Cup of Joy and Comfort Joy Designs.

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168 Responses to “It’s Bloggy Giveaways Time Again”

  1. Mary Jenkins Says:

    those potty training days are creeping up on me! i could use these!

  2. Lura Says:

    I’d like the cloth training pants. Thanks!

  3. bunnyb Says:

    I’d love to win the cloth training pants, but I wouldn’t mind the Toilet Time Targets either! Thanks! bunnybx at gmail . com

  4. Wendy Says:

    The cloth training pants – but the Toilet Time Targets are cool too!! Thanks for hosting this giveaway.

  5. Patti Says:

    I think my son would love the Targets…I’ve heard of Cheerios, but haven’t tried anything like this yet!

  6. CanCan (Mom Most Traveled) Says:

    I could use either one! My first choice is the training pants! I have two boys!

    onlycancan at hotmail dot com

  7. TheAngelForever Says:

    We never used the cloth pants with our oldest and I wish I had. I know my little guy is getting closed to being interested in going on the potty. The cloth pants would be wonderful to have.

    Please feel free to stop by my giveaway:


  8. Awesome Mom Says:

    I am in the middle of potty training my eldest boy so this prize is very timely. I have to agree that potty training has been a tough and frustrating part of being a parent.

  9. Katrina (Callapidder Days) Says:

    My son is 2 and potty training is looming in our not-to-distant future. Thanks for the chance to win.

  10. Jenni Says:

    Oooooh the training pants PLEASE! I’ve got one coming up for adventures in potty training, and those look so much better than what you can get in the stores!

  11. Kathie Says:

    I’ve trained 2 girls but now it’s my son’s turn. Yikes.

  12. Annabelle@Christian Momma Says:

    I am currently potty training my twin 3 year old boys! Oh the joys! (hear the sarcasm?) I could use either of those items! Thanks for the chance to win!

  13. jennifer bowen Says:

    wow i love to win this we are just geting ready for the potty and this would help out a lot thanks

  14. Wendy Says:

    I’m currently having “hit and miss” success with potty-training my son. The training pants would be really helpful. Thanks for the chance to win!

  15. Jodi Says:

    We are in the early stages of potty training and the cloth training pants would be wonderful for us.

  16. tangie c Says:

    My youngest is 19 months old, so potty training is not too far away! Thanks for the giveaway, I’d love to win either prize!! (I think I need the potty targets for my older boys though:) LOL

  17. Michelle Says:

    The training pants would be my choice. Thanks so much for the giveaway.

  18. Kristan Says:

    Potty training pants. Hopefully sooner rather than later!

  19. Lindsie Says:

    I would love the training pants!

  20. Qtpies7 Says:

    We gotta choose???
    I’d love the training pants! I use cloth diapers and transitioning would be easy.

    But I’ve been thinking of those targets because even at 20 months, my little man HAS to stand and pee. He’ll take his diaper off and go pee standing up somewhere. Turd.

  21. sara l. Says:

    We started potty-training last week, so these would really come in handy! Who knew that I would need more than 3 pairs of training pants!LOL! I know, how crazy of me…I’m a first timer, so that’s my excuse! Thanks for the chance to win such a much needed prize!

  22. Lisa Says:

    We are starting to get ready for potty training so the trainers would be perfect of us.

  23. Tanya Says:

    I would love the targets for my little guy!

  24. april Says:

    Those would be great…as soon as the older go back to school next month I’m going to start potty training the 19 month old

  25. Mrs. Hewett Says:

    I am just about to embark on the potty training “adventure” with my son (YIKES!). I would love to win the cloth training pants. We’ve been using the pull-ups and they’re just not getting the idea across. Please include me in your drawing. Thanks so much!

    Mrs. H

  26. Suzanne B. Says:

    I would LOVE the training pants. I was going to do this same thing to help train my Issa-boo! This would be great.

  27. Terra Heck Says:

    The toilet-time targets look like something that would be a great help with potty-training.

  28. Christi Says:

    Oh man! I’m scared to even think about potty training. It will be happening soon for me. I’d love to win the training pants.

  29. Belinda P Says:

    It would be great to win either of these . We are a few weeks into potty training and these would come inn handy. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  30. AJ Says:

    Well, I have an “almost” three year old that could use the training pants (we have a few accidents still” and I have a 16 month old son that will be on the “Potty Train” in about 6 months or so….

    I will take either!, But I’ll take the pants over the targets, if I must choose.

  31. Kama Says:

    I would use the toilet targets. 🙂

  32. Susan C Says:

    My grandaughter is just starting potty training, I would love to be entered for the cloth training pants.

  33. Stephanie Says:

    The targets look like fun. Maybe they’d inspire the little guy!! Thanks!

  34. melanie Says:

    I would like the potty training pants. Thanks for including me in your drawing.

  35. Shannon Says:

    I would love the toilet targets! LOL
    Those will come in handy with my son.


  36. Heather G Says:

    Either prize would be great to motivate my little one!

  37. Cass Says:

    training pants, training pants, training pants, please

  38. Brittany O. Says:

    We are in the heat of potty training our 2 year old son and have NEVER seen these target things…how great—we would love that 🙂

  39. princessesindisguise Says:

    I would love to win the potty training pants for my 3-year-old twin boys. They don’t seem to have any interest in potty training, but I need to start working with them.

    Kathy (mom to the Princesses in Disguise)

  40. Claire Says:

    What a fantastic idea for a giveaway! My son will start potty training next year and I would love to try out the training pants (why didn’t I know about those when my daughter was potty training?). Thanks for the giveaway.

  41. Go Amie Says:

    I would prefer the toilet targets, but either would be great. Thanks!

  42. Heidi Says:

    I could use either one, but if I had to choose, I would say the paper animals.

  43. Alaina Says:

    Oh! This is just what I need! I’m feeling so frustrated with potty training my 2nd son. Hopefully by school time, he’ll be trained. 🙂 I would really love the targets but either one would be great!

  44. Katie Says:

    I would love to win the training pants for my daughter who is working on being trained. thanks

  45. MelissaW Says:

    The toilet targets will certainly come in handy for my 2yo son who can pee just fine sitting, but standing, it goes everywhere….Thanks for the opportunity to win!

    Be sure to check out my giveaway too:

  46. Emily Says:

    I’d love the training pants! We’re just heading into that phase…

  47. Sara Breuninger Says:

    Boy do I need those targets. Toilet training is a full time job….HELP

  48. Sheila Says:

    I could use the cloth training pants for 2 year old grandson. He has stubbornness and attitude. :o)

  49. Carrie Says:

    How neat! I didn’t even know there was such a thing as toilet time targets. 🙂 While potty training is still in the distant future for me, I would love to have one of these on hand to make the process easier! 🙂

  50. EG Says:

    The training pants would be great, thanks!

  51. majellamom Says:

    I would definately go for the training pants! (Since I have all girls, the target practice things really wouldn’t be that great…though hubby might have fun, you never know!)

    Love the giveaway! I’ll be potty training my baby in just a few months!

  52. Meredith F. Says:

    I think that they training pants would be great!

  53. Shilo Beedy Says:

    I need to potty train my two year old who will be three in August. This seems like a neat idea to train a boy.

  54. Helene Says:

    I would love the training pants. I have been trying to PT my son for three months and have been using underwear. It is such a pain to take off when it is poopy. 😦 In the likely even that I don’t win, can you tell me where I can buy some?

  55. Kam A Says:

    I would love the training pants or the targets! I have a two year old who is just starting the potty training process and he would definitely put these to good use!

  56. Cassandra Says:

    I would like the training pants–thanks!

  57. Suzie G Says:

    I need the training pants for my almost 3 year old. It’s been a battle getting her potty trained and I’m hoping she’ll be done by her birthday in November. The tissue paper Targets are so heat, but I wouldn’t need them since my son is only 5 months old and we have no plans on potty trianing him yet. I’ll have to keep those in mind when he reaches that stage!

  58. Chelsey Says:

    We are in the middle of potty training as we speak! Please ensure I win!!! lol…

  59. Stephanie V Says:

    could use both of these. boy am I scared to potty train my little boy. lol

  60. amy delong Says:

    potty traning is coming for my youngest!

  61. nellbe Says:

    We are going through this, I’d hate to think what I have spent on disposables… so if you are accepting international people, please consider me for the cloth training pants. Thanks!

  62. pennstatecutie Says:

    Cool! I would love to win the toilet time targets! They’ll go in my baby stash for the day when we FINALLY have a baby. Thanks for the giveaway!

  63. reeva Says:

    i’d like to try the cloth training pants I’m having so much fun blog hopping! 🙂 great blog :)and Great giveaway! I hope I’m the lucky winner 🙂

  64. Storm Says:

    I’d like the training pants! 🙂

  65. Karen Says:

    I would love the targets! I am potty training two boys at the moment, and their aim is not so great, LOL;)

  66. Hollie Says:

    I would take either if given the chance ( I have a boy who will be potty training in the next year), but I suppose my first choice would be the diapers. Thanks for hosting!

  67. Kathleen W. Says:

    I’d love to win the training pants, but those targets look good too!

  68. Jill K. (Little One's Baby Gifts) Says:

    The Toilet Time Targets would be perfect for our house! We are just about ready to start potty training our son.

    Thank you!

  69. Jill K. (Little One's Baby Gifts) Says:

    The toilet time targets would be perfect for our house! We are just about ready to start potty training our son!

    Thank you!

  70. Julie Says:

    We’re looking at starting PT any day now (maybe after his upcoming surgery now)….Put me in the running for the targets 🙂

  71. Gayla Webb Says:

    I have a dear friend with 2.5 young boys. I would love to be able to give her the Toilet Time Targets as a gift.

  72. Diana Says:

    lol – loving the targets! What a great idea. My little guy still has a little while before we’ll be using them but I will for sure get them when we do. Not that I wouldn’t mind the cloth training pants – everything I’ve heard about them are wonderful when it come to potty training. I make my own cloth diapers so I’m fully aware of the benefits of cloth!

  73. kiy Says:

    Oh gosh, the potty training days are coming … I am scared! (lol) I’d love to toss my name into the hat for the training pants, since we have a girl I doubt the targets would be useful around here (although, don’t give Emi the challenge knowing her she’d be willing to give it a go!). 🙂

  74. Kristen Says:

    I’d love the training pants! thanks!

  75. Ebie Says:

    think i will go w/ #2, although #1 would also be good. we’re thinking about starting our david w/ potty training (do i get extra points for also having a david?)

  76. Heather Says:

    I could use those targets. My son is still working on toilet training. He turns 4 tomorrow…

  77. Lora Says:

    I could soooo use those target-thingys for my son:)

  78. Amity Says:

    The training pants would be great for my 3 yr old who is potty training right now!!

  79. Mama Hen Says:

    I would pick the training pants.

  80. Chrysa Says:

    Very useful prizes! I would go for the training pants.

  81. Joy Says:

    I have a little girl to potty train in the coming year so my vote is for the training pants!!!

  82. Sandy Says:

    I am in the midst of training my grandson who is 3, (his mommy & daddy both work). I have never heard of these items, they seem great. I have never potty trained a boy before and it seem just a little harder than training girls.

  83. Andrea Says:

    Oh goody! Probably the underwear although I’m totally intrigued by the targets!! hee hee

    My son turns two next month and has started talking about pottying… it’s time!

  84. tonya Says:

    I could really use these Im wanting to start introducing the potty soon :/ Thanks for the enty 🙂

  85. caila611 Says:

    I have two boys i’m potty training. UGH! Somone help me please!!!

  86. Stacy Says:

    I’m afraid my hubby will be the one to have fun with the targets. 🙂

  87. Cherie J Says:

    My daughter is about to turn two in October so I can certainly use the training pants. Thanks for the contest!

  88. Dad Says:

    When did you ever hear about a child coming to first grade with a
    change of under wear in a bag with a note for the teacher? Or did your
    mother tell you the story about Mrs. Jarvis across the hall in Fairborn?

  89. Alisha Says:

    My little 2 year old is starting early. I am not ready, but he seems to be. He is always taking his diaper off and everytime his brother uses the potty he thinks he needs to. I looks like I will be heading to the store for some of these if I don’t win. The win would be great. Thanks for the giveaway.

  90. misty Says:

    The training pants. Thanks so much for the opportunity.

  91. Caryn B Says:

    Awesome!!! I’d love this for when we start potty training my son. Oh…we’d like the toilet time targets

  92. Rachel Crisman Says:

    I have been worrying about potty training ever since I found out that I was pregnant. I would love to have these products!

  93. Molly Capel Says:

    The toilet targets are hilarious! Would love to win these.

  94. Megan Says:

    lol OMG! It was a blessing to find you! I am training 2 toddler boys as we speak (Type lol) I am doing to to not go crazy! lol

  95. Krisinda Says:

    I would like the toilet targets since we are starting to potty train our little man.

  96. seemommysew Says:

    we really need those training pants!

  97. Richelle F Says:

    Either would be great! My son is in the beginning stages of training right now.

  98. Angie Says:

    I’d like the targets. My nephew is trainging and they are having a hard time with him, so I’d love to be the coolest aunt EVER and show up with these! BTW, congrat’s to your little man too!

    Love it! I’d love to be entered!


  99. LadySnow Says:

    I could really use the cloth training pants. What great things to give.

  100. Vicky Says:

    I could use these… little one is getting ready to start potty training and his bottom is very sensitive!

  101. Gretchen H Says:

    My first grandchild isn’t even born yet but we could keep these until that time. I know my daughter would love this for a little gift then. I hope we win.

    Have a bloggy day.

  102. sunnymum Says:

    Oh, we’re on the verge of potty training our daughter, so we could really use the training pants. Thanks for a nice giveaway! Stop by our blog to win a subscription to Country Home. Have a great week!

  103. Kyra Says:

    We are about to embark on potty training with my son so I would love to win either of these great prizes!

  104. Carrie Z Says:

    The Toilet Time Targets would be much better than the cheez-its we had been using, lol!

  105. Tara Hill Says:

    No, you had it right! Dreading is the word! I would probably like the training pants! Thanks!

  106. CMerie Says:

    I’d like the training pants

  107. Nancy Says:

    It’s been 9 years since I last trained my son. Now I have another one to train soon. Yay!!! I would love either. Thanks!

  108. Sandra Says:

    Either one would be a great prize, but the cloth diapers if I have to choose.

  109. Melissa Says:

    Oh! I’d love to win! We have just started potty training. I’d choose the diapers, since I don’t have a little boy!

  110. audra Says:

    I would pick the Toilet Targets- Who knows they might just come in handy ‘training’ some of the older males in our family too! Thanks so much for the great giveaway! audrajjensen(at)msn(dot)com

  111. Tina Says:

    I’d like to win the toilet targets.

  112. Alexandra Hancock Says:

    I really hope I win one of these. I like them equally, but if I have to choose I think the Toilet Targets are fun. And I’m sure Daddy and baby will think they are great. 🙂

  113. Julie Neff Says:

    Honestly I’m scared to death of potty training my son so either would be wonderful. I guess first choice would be the cotton pants though. Thanks!

  114. Amanda Says:

    I’d like the cloth training pants!!

    Thanks so much!

  115. Alison Says:

    We’re getting close to potty training time, and I’d really like to use these supplies. Thanks for the giveaway!

  116. Shannon Says:

    We could so use the cloth pants. My daughter just doesn’t get it. We even bought the “cooling” pullups, but that was a complete wash, then again, I don’t blame her since it probably just cooled her off in the 105 degree weather we are having in Texas.

  117. Alka Says:

    I could use to win some training stuff! thanks

  118. Joanna Says:

    The training pants would really come in handy! Enter me, please!

  119. Christina Says:

    cloth training pants are great!

  120. Belinda A. Says:

    What a useful giveaway, we are about to enter the potty training dimension – count me in for the targets please!

  121. Jillian Says:

    Oh, i’d love to win the training pants. We’re cloth diapering and love it!

  122. Sherri B. Says:

    Man, I could really use these!!! I am having one heck of a time with training my godson!! Either of these would be a big help!!!

  123. Jessica Says:

    We are almost ready to start training my daughter, so the training pants would be perfect. I have 4 girls, so don’t need to potty targets! 🙂

  124. Leah Says:

    Anything to help my son along inthe process would be great! He’s 2 1/2 and it’s just not clicking with him yet. Thanks for a great giveaway!

  125. Sharon Fairclough Says:

    great giveaway, I would love the targets. Thanks for the contest

  126. Katherine Frazier Says:

    toilet time targets – as a single mom this was the hardest concept for me to explain to my son – these would be great for the future training

  127. Julie Says:

    Me! Me! Me! I have a very stubborn 3 year old who doesn’t want to use the potty. I hate the idea of putting him in underwear ’cause that just makes a huge mess. While the targets would be fun, I think the pants would be our best best.

  128. Dawn Says:

    We are in the midst of potty training right now…I can use all the help I can get! 🙂

  129. Ilissa H. Says:

    I’d love to win the Toilet Time targets. These look like they’d make potty training a whole lot more fun. Thanks for the chance.

  130. andrea Says:

    I’m all for the training pants. Thanks for the chance to win these – they look fabulous.

  131. Megret Says:

    The training pants, please. Our son is fully potty trained — we’re starting to work on our daughter’s efforts this fall. Thanks!
    musesofmegret (at) gmail (dot) com

  132. Tammy Darling Says:

    I’d like the cloth training pants. Thanks for the contest.

  133. debbi Says:

    we are potty training right now. So, the Toilet Time Targets would be great.

  134. Renee Borders Says:

    My firend Shanna just found out she’s having a girl so the training pants would be great. Thanks! 🙂

  135. JRG Says:

    Those target things work great!

  136. Melanie Dawson Says:

    I would love either one. Thanks!

  137. Stitchblade Says:

    OH WOW! I could totally use those trainers! I will be linking to your contest from my blog as well! THANKS!

  138. Lori Says:

    I could so use those trainers! 😉 Awesome giveaways!

  139. Shana Says:

    Guess what I am potty training right now! This would be a GREAT win for me. :o)

  140. Tori Says:

    I’d love the toilet targets!

  141. Jessica Says:

    I’d love to be entered for the cloth trainers!

  142. Lois Says:

    Perfect timing. Thank you for the great giveaway!!!


    Please join us August 11-18 for our Blogging for Blood Cancer Event. Learn more

  143. Susanne Troop Says:

    The Targets would be great!

  144. ryann Says:

    toilet time targets for me. My daughter is just starting out training

  145. Rachel Says:

    The targets could come in handy even with ADULT boys. Sheez, I wish we had these years ago. LOL great prize!

    Be sure to come and visit my giveaways too.

  146. Hil'Lesha Says:

    I love the training pants.

  147. Jenna Says:

    I would love either of these if they are open to international entries!

  148. Kristie Says:

    I’d like the training pants. I am in PT he double hockey sticks right now.

  149. nicolerenae Says:

    I would love the targets for my little boy!

  150. Michael Says:

    Probably the pants. I hope I win!
    michael dot hopkins at gmail dot com.

    I’m also a subscriber.

  151. Rachel S. Says:

    Count me in for the traning pants! I have twins so I’ll for sure need them!

  152. anna Says:

    I would so love the training pants (with a three year old–next month boy trying to train and a 19 month old little lady “sitting” they would really be handy). NO “pullups” for our little lady due to a latex allergy so a blessing they would be.
    Happy day.

  153. Catt Says:

    I’m still, still still trying to train my son….I’ve wanted to try cloth trainers but just didn’t have the funds to do so. I would love them!!!

  154. Donna Vance Says:

    I would love the cloth training pants. I think they do work better than disposables.

  155. Jaden Says:

    I’d love to win these cloth training pants, as my daughter is just about to start potty training! She has already peed on the pot one time, but it must have been a fluke because she hasn’t repeated it. I’m thinking maybe if the cloth help them feel that they’re wet, these could help us transition? Thanks a bunch! jadensmail at gmail dot com

  156. Carla Pullum Says:

    Traing Pants would love to win!

  157. holly Says:

    I could use either, but I think I choose the training pants! cookiecutter72 at hotmail dot com

  158. Mara B. Says:

    My kids are well past the point of needing either, however I have a friend that has a 2 1/2 yob that isn’t potty trained, and she has another on the way. If I won, I would give the Toilet Time Targets to her.

  159. Brandy Says:

    The training pants would be wonderful. Thanks.

  160. mindy Says:

    i want those training pants! NOW! ha!

  161. Emily Says:

    I could use either of these! I’ll be embarking on the potty training train soon!

    Thanks for offering it!

    princesslimey (at) gmail (dot) com

  162. Amanda Says:

    we are potty training right now and those cloth trainers would be perfect for us. thank you

  163. Melon Says:

    Toilet time targets. You can never work on aim enought with the lil boys.

  164. Tiffany Hulbert Says:

    The Toilet Time Targets would be a lot of fun for my son – we’re working on potty training right now and he needs something like this to make the journey to being diaper-free a little less painful 🙂 Thank you!

  165. Gia Says:

    The trainers!! It is time to try the potty. Thanks!!!

  166. Confessions of a Reformed Potty Trainer « Mommie Daze Says:

    […] of a Reformed Potty Trainer When I decided to offer up some leftover cloth training pants and toilet targets for Bloggy Giveaways, I thought I might get 30 responses. Those are not at all glamorous like the […]

  167. Tara R Says:

    the targets or the pants would be great for us!

  168. tree Says:

    I’d love to win the cloth training pants. Thanks!

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