Posts Tagged ‘training pants’

It’s Bloggy Giveaways Time Again

July 28, 2008

Oh, boy! It’s Bloggy Giveaways time again. I can feel my eyes glazing over already. Anyone come up with a strategy yet to find time visit all the fantastic blogs that are participating, and still make sure your kids are clothed and fed?

If you haven’t been by here before, I’m Colleen, wife and SAHM. I have a wonderful husband Dave who’s very busy working full time, going back to school, helping part-time with the family business and singing with a Southern Gospel Quartet. Somehow he still manages to find time to spend with me and our three-year-old son David. (Son is named after hubby.) David is funny, smart and very mischievous. He definitely keeps me on my toes. This blog is my little place to be creative and escape from the Legos and dirty dishes. I’m sure you’re just dying to know more, (she said sarcastically) so visit About Me in the sidebar.

Well, this summer we’re celebrating potty training success around here. It was a rough road, but David seems to have mastered using the potty, at least during the day. There was a time not long ago that I thought he’d be going to kindergarten in Pull-Ups. Just this week we started venturing out of the house with nothing but a pair of BVDs between him and a puddle on the floor in Walmart. No accidents so far. But I still don’t dare leave with out bringing an extra set of clothes for him, just in case. Potty training was definitely the most difficult task of motherhood I’ve tackled so far. Now I’ve got about 10 years of smooth sailing until he hits the teen years.

In honor of David’s success, I’ve got some items to give away to help out those of you who are still in the midst of potty training, or dreading looking forward to it someday soon. First, I have three packages of cloth training pants. There are 6 in each package. They’re brand new, never even opened. They are cotton on the inside and waterproof plastic on the outside. I used these with David after reading that cloth is better than disposable for helping kids know when they are wet. It really did seem to work. I went a little overboard and bought way more pairs than I needed, so that’s why these never got used. They say for 35-38 pounds on the tag, but I think they’d fit kids anywhere from 2-4 T. They are plain white, so boys and girls can wear them.

The next thing I have to give away are Toilet Time Targets. You throw these flushable tissue paper animals in the toilet, then boys “aim” at them. They learn to hit their mark, and you spend less time cleaning up splatters. It makes potty training into “more fun than writing your name in the snow,” as the wrapper says. I have three packages of 100 to giveaway. Again I went overboard and bought too many.

So there will be two winners. One for the training pants, and one for the Toilet Time Targets. Just leave a comment on this post by mid-night August 1st with which prize you would like.  I’ll randomly select the two winners, and notify them by email.

Stop by and visit the weekly Girls Just Wanna Win Swag Giveaway I have going on right now too for a chance to win an eye makeup kit including one full size shadow, two liners and an eyeliner brush from Mixology. That contest runs through August 6. There are also some Bloggy Giveaways going on this week at The Chocolistas, the blog my SIL and I run. She is hosting giveaways at her other blogs as well this week, A Cup of Joy and Comfort Joy Designs.