Posts Tagged ‘Blog’

The Chocolistas

August 6, 2008

Do you love Chocolate? Then you’ll love The Chocolistas, a blog about all things chocolate. My sister-in-law and I run this site. We’re growing and adding new features all the time, including some exciting contests. Right now Name that Chocolate is going on. Readers offer up creative names for a very unique chocolate dessert, then everyone votes on the best name. Whoever comes up with the winning name gets a prize from a fabulous sponsor. Check it out!

Hurry It Up, Would You?

April 23, 2008

I’ve been surfing the Bloggy Giveaways this week, and a lot of people want to know how to improve their blogs. I don’t want to single out people and hurt anyone’s feelings, so here’s a general tip for everyone. If you want people to comeback, make sure it doesn’t take an eternity for your page to load. I understand you want to earn money from advertising and you’ve got lots of photos and cool graphics to show off, but if people have to wait forever for your blog to to come up, they probably won’t be back. Nothing is more frustrating than sitting and drumming your fingers on the table while your computer says, “waiting for…” at the bottom. Do a little house cleaning, re-size the graphics, loose some of the junk in the sidebar. If your pages load faster, we’ll actually have time to stick around and read what you have to say.

Don’t miss these other Bloggy Giveaways

April 22, 2008

Do you love chocolate? (If not, seek help immediately. That’s just not normal.) For all of you who answered yes to that question, hop on over to The Chocolistas for a chance to win Ghiraradelli chocolate bars. The Chocolistas is a new blog my sister-in-law Deborah and I started to celebrate everything wonderful about chocolate. Also stop by Deborah’s giveaways at A Cup of Joy and Comfort Joy Designs. She’s offering some really cute handmade items. I’ve seen her work in person, and she is a very talented crafter and seamstress.

Party with Mommies United

March 18, 2008

Whew! Are your recovered from Ultimate Blog Party hopping yet? I hope so because there’s another party goin’ on over at Mommies United. Stop by and meet Kristin, Christine, Amanda and Shana, the four moms behind Mommies United. While you’re looking around, join the party to sign up to win some fabulous prizes.

My top prize picks are:

1. The Sweetheart Pink Apron from Carolyn’s Kitchen

2. $35 gift certificate to Alli’s Originals

3. $100 gift certificate to Baby and me Boutique

4. The Avacado/Chocolate Square messenger bag from OYikes

Check out this Yummy New Blog, Virtual Chocolate

February 11, 2008


My sister-in-law over at A Cup of Joy and I are launching a new blog, Virtual Chocolate. It’s a blog about all things chocolate. You’ll find articles about places to shop, places to visit, recipes and anything else we can find to write about our favorite treat. Stop by and have a look around. We’re just getting started so visit often to see what’s new. This is one sweet indulgence that may make your mouth water, but won’t make your hips wider!